Seven facts about Mother’s Day - Know More About Mothers Day

In this article we are going to share 7 facts about Mother’s Day. You will love to know few amazing facts about this special day for your mother. You can share these facts with your mom too.

1) Already in the 13th century shows King Henry III. In England it’s know as the “Mothering Day”. On this day, staff will turn out to the “Mother Church” the honor. However, this practice does not last long, and the “mothering day” into oblivion. (Mother’s Day 2017 Lost Your depreciate our poem, and the mother laughs!)

2) In May 1908 the “Mother’s Day” was first celebrated in the US with a service. Launched have him Anna Jarvis and a pastor. Jarvis had thought 1907 her deceased mother and was there came up with the idea to anchor the special day of the mothers and fixed to give away as a gesture flowers. Jarvis is considered the inventor of Mother’s Day, is celebrated as it today.

3) 1914 declared US President Woodrow Wilson to Mother an official holiday. Since two years of Mother’s Day in the US, Canada, China and Japan will be celebrated.

4) On 13 May 1923 the first Mother’s Day in Germany is committed. This was preceded by an initiative of the “Association of German Flower shop owner” who had advertised in 1922 for the day.

5) 1933 explain the Nazis Mother’s on holiday. After the Second World War, Germany celebrates the Mother again from 1950, the GDR celebrates instead the 1946 International Women’s Day March 8th. Statutory holidays are no longer both dates.

6) To date, the Mother’s Day is not a holiday. Commercial interest is also reflected in the fact that the florists associations have established the second Sunday in May as Mother’s Day.

7) In the US , the mothers from a commercial perspective one of the most important holidays. Only at Christmas give Americans more money on gifts. 2007, Americans spent an average of $ 139 (around 100 euros) for Mother’s Day gifts. That same year, moms got in Germany gifts worth 25 euros, the Central Association of German Retailers.

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